A simple dump some state/expression and stop the play duo, inserted where you need more info / just before something broke helps
- ....
- debug: var=<expression>
- meta: end_play
If you want to stop the execution of the whole playbook break it with fail
- ....
- debug: var=<expression>
- fail: msg=debug
So when dealing with templates or really old, smelly and slow servers (aix/websphere anyone?) it is sometimes is a great idea to stop wasting time and hack locally
If you insert this bit just before the shit hits the fan in your role/playbook. so you can save the state, and transfer it locally
(also an idea is to --limit-hosts
to the one server that is giving you the proverbial middle finger)
- < stuff that makes variable avar... >
- copy: content='{{avar|to_nice_json}}' dest='/tmp/thatavar.json'
- fetch: src=/tmp/thatavar.json flat=yes dest=./debug/
- meta: end_play
then in debug.yaml, hydrate it and template locally until it makes you smile
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
connection: local
- include_vars: file='./debug/thatavar.json' name=avar
- template: src=foo.j2 dest=./debug/foo