One Role to Rule Them All


So when you get jiggy with a role and later find that ‘holy crap! I need to run this role over an array of stuff’ you can just rig it so you can use ansible inherent hostiness as a loop.

We built up the setup_account role to wire in all the stuff that we want in a basic account rig (adfs roles, cloudtrail, cloudwatch alarms etc)

Here’s the singular version of the playbook

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: no
    region: eu-west-1
    - name: sts_assume_role
      target_account: "{{aws_accounts[acc]}}"
    - name: setup_account
      roles: "{{commonRoles|union(accRoles[acc])}}"

which we run with an -e acc=foo to run the setup_account role for one account

The need for continuous compliance :D, caused us to want to bulk up on make it so, Mr Sulu accross all the accounts with just whan cleek. but without having to tell setup_account to know it is actually a precious role to rule them all

Using add_host in a new play you add a fake-o host to a group called account_hosts and add the acc variable from the aws_accounts list

Then in the next play you tell ansible to run the role for all the ‘hosts’ in account_hosts group

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: no
    region: eu-west-1
    - add_host:
        name: "{{item.key}}"
        acc: "{{item.key}}"
        ansible_host: localhost
        ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/local/bin/python
        groups: account_hosts
      with_dict: "{{aws_accounts}}"

- hosts: account_hosts
  connection: local
  gather_facts: no
    region: eu-west-1
    account_id: "{{aws_accounts[acc]}}"
    - name: sts_assume_role
      target_account: "{{aws_accounts[acc]}}"
    - name: setup_account
      roles: "{{commonRoles|union(accRoles[acc])}}"

The ansible_python_interpreter is a quirk of localhost without gather_facts