Keep it simple means it is frigging dumb.
Why can’t the bloody compiler validate templates of strings?
Not for a hacker’s flow for sure, but for the type obsessed Jvm Droids and Sea Sharpies, it feels o so good! to be able to fall over that ctrl-spacebar and have the ide complete your scentences for you.
Being firmly in the camp of “wouldn’t it be nice if a language is your bitch and not the other way around”
I find it daft to have to write crap like this, but this is go yo…
Repeat yourself in every project, again and again and again.
package main
import (
func fstring(theTemplate string, vars interface{}) string {
temp, err := template.New("foop").Parse(theTemplate)
if err != nil {
var buffy bytes.Buffer
err = temp.Execute(&buffy, vars)
if err != nil {
return buffy.String()
type mapi map[string]interface{}
type strs []string
func main() {
mother {{ .who }}
{{- range .bar }}
- {{ . }}
{{- end }}
`, map[string]interface{}{
"who": "dearest",
"bar": []string{
"a", "b",
If you want to use golang as a scripting language you want it to execute some shit.
func bashIt(command string) (stdout string, stderr string, returnCode int, err error) {
cmd := exec.Command("bash", "-c", command)
var stdoutBuf, stderrBuf bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &stdoutBuf
cmd.Stderr = &stderrBuf
err = cmd.Run()
stdout = stdoutBuf.String()
stderr = stderrBuf.String()
if exitError, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
returnCode = exitError.ExitCode()
} else if err == nil {
returnCode = 0
} else {
returnCode = -1
return stdout, stderr, returnCode, err
func main() {
o, _, _, _ := bashIt(fstring(`echo whos a bad boi? {{.}}`, "me"))
o, _, _, _ = bashIt(fstring(`echo whos a bad boi? {{.me}}`, map[string]string{"me": "no, you."}))
o, _, _, _ = bashIt(fstring(`echo whos a bad boi? {{.You}}`, struct{ You string } { You: "no, you."}))
or some aws cli scrape commands
func main() {
allRepos := []map[string]interface{}{}
for _, profileReg := range []struct {
Profile string
Region string
{Profile: "loadpi", Region: "eu-west-1"},
{Profile: "loadpi", Region: "eu-west-2"},
} {
o, _, _, _ = bashIt(fstring(`
export AWS_PROFILE={{.Profile}}
aws codecommit list-repositories
`, profileReg))
repos := map[string][]map[string]interface{}{}
json.Unmarshal([]byte(o), &repos)
for _, repo := range repos["repositories"] {
repo["profile"] = profileReg.Profile
repo["region"] = profileReg.Region
allRepos = append(allRepos, repo)
println(func(obj interface{}) string {
jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(obj)
if err != nil {
return string(jsonBytes)
other places I’ve used fstrings:
for a script junkie like me - string interpolation feels very mia.
I mean hell, even Java is getting the message, right next to the old go killer rust.